

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Teen Social Networks

Christian Teen Lounge - Advice, prayer, forums, arcade games, and more.


  1. Was inspired to postthis poem I wrote on your blog.

    My Royal Family

    With your word you have set me free,

    Ignited my spirit, like you, I strive to be.

    Free! no ties , no lies, binding me.
    By your mercy, your grace, at last I can see.

    Your yoke hangs gently around my neck,
    easy and light, just like you had said.

    If not by you, then who? This I can not fathom,
    I belong to you, this is not random.

    By choice?... My choice?... How can this be?
    Wasn't it He, who chose to save me.

    Mercy and grace, given abundantly.
    Eternally grateful for adopting me.

    From that day forward, I awake Free.
    No longer enslaved by powers other than thee.

    Royal garments, I now own.
    By my Father given , who covers skin and bone.

    I Pick up My Scepter! On goes my Royal Robe!
    My Fathers the king, I now sit by His throne.

    First born yes! That is me,
    First born of His Royal family.

    By: Giovanni

    Jesus Christ is Lord!

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