

Monday, January 17, 2011

Make a difference in somebody's life

Have you ever wanted to make a positive difference in somebody's life, but you weren't sure how?  What about donations?  Perhaps you've been scared to donate in the past because you just didn't know who to donate to or which organizations were trustworthy.  Well, you're in luck, and so is the person on the receiving end of your future donations.  Below is a list of trustworthy organizations to donate to as well as what they do.

American Bible Society - This site has hundreds of donation options for you.  It lets you choose what type of donation you will make.  Will you donate 10 Bibles to children in India?  Or will you donate 5 Bibles plus counseling to teenagers in America?  Or perhaps you'll donate 3 children's Bibles plus nutritious food to Children in Africa?  It's all up to you!

World Vision - Nutritious food, clean water, health care, christian activities, and education for a child.  World Vision makes it all possible as well as give you annual reports and updated photos of the child you sponsor.

Feed The Children - Just $10 will feed a child for an entire month when you donate through the feed the children organization.  This site also gives you the opportunity to donate items, sponsor a child, and more!

Charity Water - We sometimes take things for granted, like clean water.  Almost 1 billion people on the planet earth don't have clean drinking water, which can lead to illness, disease, and death.  Help provide clean drinking water for people around the world at

There are of course many other charities out there to donate to.  If you do find another charity that you wish to donate to be sure to check them out with the Better Business Bureau to be sure that they are legitimate.  Also look at their financial stats to see how much of your donation actually goes to the cause.

Don't have money to donate?  Not a problem.  Check out our other ways to donate below!

Goodwill - If you have clothing, toys, furniture, electronics, or other items in good shape or usable condition, that you never use anymore, why not donate them to your local Goodwill?  Not only does Goodwill sell these items at a cheap discount price to families who might not be able to afford certain items at full price, but they also provide jobs and training to people who sometimes have a hard time finding work!

Habitat For Humanity - Are you remodeling your house?  Do you have spare tools, paint, windows, toilets or other construction items laying around?  Why not donate them to your local Habitat for Humanity?  They will sell these items at a discount price and then use the money to build homes for families that need them.  You can also donate your time and help build homes right alongside the families who will be moving into them!  What a great way to give the glory to God and have an opportunity to spread the good news!

Local Food Bank - Look in your phone book or online to find your local food bank and donate some canned or boxed goods the next time you go to the grocery store!  There are hungry people in your area that cannot afford to feed their children or themselves.  The food bank relies on donations of food and money to feed hungry people in your very own community!  An average person probably goes to the store at least 4 times a month.  If you spent $3 extra dollars every time you went to the store and bought 4 cans of vegetables and donated them, you will end up donating $12 a month worth of food or around 16 cans of vegetables!  That is a lot of food, and imagine if you were able to donate more than that each month!

Your Local Mission - Look online or in your phone book to find your local mission.  You can donate, food, clothing, Bibles, your time, and other things to your local mission to help homeless people and families in your area.

Your Local Women's or Family Shelter - There are usually shelter's in every city for homeless families, teens, or battered women.  They are always in need of clothing, toys, food, and other basic supplies like toiletries.

Again, there are many other opportunities to volunteer or donate money and goods such as clothing and household necessities.  When you do this you are not only helping people in need, but you are shining the spotlight on God and giving the glory to him.

So, will you make a difference in somebody's life today?  Tomorrow?  This year?


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