

Monday, March 24, 2008

CBSB Video Contest: Evidence For God

This is the chance to let your creative side out for everybody to see!

CBSB Video Contest: Evidence For God
Video Length: 1-3 minutes
Video Style: Animation, short film, documentary, other.
Contest End-Date: May 10th, 2008 11:59pm
Details: Create a 1-3 minute video on the evidence you have found that God exists. Be creative: this video can be your personal feelings on the matter, things that have happened to you in your own life to show you that God exists, scientific evidence for the existence of God, or a mixture of all three.

1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and honorable mentions will be announced by May 17th, and will also be posted on CBSB's video page:

The more creative and professional looking the video, the more likely the video is to be a winner. Any scientific information presented must be accurate and must have the necessary sources cited so that video viewers can look up the information for themselves.

To make a submission for this contest, your video title must start with: CBSB Contest 1 EFG and then the title of your video. Your video must be submitted through YouTube. You can do this by using an existing or creating a new and free YouTube account, uploading your video, and submitting it here:

Good luck!



  1. Dear brother in Christ,

    I can have a chat with you on the topic of Holy Spirit baptism and speaking in tongues. The discussion will be solely from the Bible. But I ask only one thing, that you set aside your personal interpretations and views even as I do, and be open to the Holy Spirit.

    I do not remember what you wrote on your post, and at the moment I am quite busy to go through it. But if you have a gmail or a hotmail ID, please do use the prayer request column on our site to send me your ID so that we can discuss on this.

    If you are open to the Word, both of us can benefit out of it =)

    Now make this clear: you are my brother and my family, even though I disagree with you.

    In Christ's love,


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