

Friday, December 14, 2007

Christian Music: God Honoring?

To me music is a very powerful thing.  Sometimes it makes me feel, think, and act. Music can deliver a powerful message to masses of people. What better way to preach the message or tell others of God's love in such a powerful way, than with a song that they can stick into their CD player, walk around listening to on their MP3 player or drive around listening to on the Radio? Even KLOVE radio boasts that people get saved by listening to certain songs on their station.  

Unfortunately today our definition of "Christian" music has begun to include songs that are not God honoring and in some cases are very worldly, and are instead just considered "nice" and without cuss words. Yes, it is good to give your kids something to listen to without cuss words, but that doesn't mean it should be classified as Christian. Being a Christian is more than just using nice or  appropriate language... it's about being saved by Grace, about loving and honoring God with all your heart and with all your actions.  One would think then that to be considered 'Christian' music, that the song should in some way reflect Christian values, biblical messages, Christian struggles, or something about God.

I'd like to give you a few examples of "Christian" music that is God honoring, and not God honoring.

First lets start with two God honoring songs below. Included is the lyrics and videos:

This song is taken from the WOW Hits 2008 CD. "Tears of the Saints" by Leeland. Listen to video below and see lyrics below video.


Lyrics: There are many prodigal sons
On our city streets they run
Searching for shelter
There are homes broken down
People’s hopes have fallen to the ground
From failures

This is an emergency!

There are tears from the saints
For the lost and unsaved
We’re crying for them come back home
We’re crying for them come back home
And all your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

There are schools full of hatred
Even churches have forsaken
Love and mercy
May we see this generation
In it’s state of desperation
For Your glory

This is an emergency!

Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children in Christ you stand!
Sinner, reach out your hands!
Children in Christ you stand!

And all Your children will stretch out their hands
And pick up the crippled man
Father, we will lead them home
Father, we will lead them home

This song is obviously "God" honoring for numerous reasons: First it talks about reaching out your hands to help those in need, and not only in need of help physically, but also spiritually. It is a definite call to all of us to lead the "prodigal sons" of this world, back to Christ.

According to "Leeland Mooring says it was a Sunday afternoon during a quiet devotional time that he sensed what he calls a presence of God. “I was playing piano, just worshiping, and I asked in prayer, ‘God, just give me your heart for the lost.’” It was a hope to feel the longing God feels for people struggling to find their way. “And then I started crying—it was as if God gave me a little glimpse of his heart,” Leeland continues. “‘Tears of the Saints’ came out, and it’s about how for every person who is out there lost there is probably about five people praying for them.” More, the track illuminates the vision the band has for its ministry. “We want to see kids saved,” the songwriter affirms. “What’s awesome about this song live, is how it touches people,” bassist Jake Holtz adds. “The Lord is just blessing people. You can see change coming across their faces. It’s nothing we’re doing. God’s just working through us with this song.”I would say that this song is 'God honoring' or 'Christian' because it takes it's lyrics from principles out of the Bible and conveys a message from the Bible to believers and non-believers alike.  A non-Christian would listen to this CD and be able to distinguish it from a secular song right away.
2) Another Christian song that could be considered "God" honoring would be East to West by Casting Crowns.


Here I am Lord and I’m drowning, in Your sea of forgetfulness
The chains of yesterday surround me, I yearn for peace and rest
I don’t want to end up where You found me
And it echoes in my mind
Keeps me awake tonight
I know you’ve cast my sin as far as the East is from the West
And I stand before You now as though I’ve never sinned
But today I feel like I’m just one mistake away
From You leaving me this way

Jesus can you show me just how far the east is from the west
‘Cause I can’t bear to see the man I’ve been
Rising up in me again
In the arms of Your mercy I find rest
‘Cause You know just how far the east is from the west
From one scarred hand to the other

I start the day, the war begins
Endless reminding of my sin
And time and time again
Your truth is drowned out by the storm I’m in
Today I feel like I’m just one mistake away
from You leaving me this way

I know You’ve washed me white
Turn my darkness into life
I need Your peace to get me through
To get me through this night
I can’t live by what I feel
About the truth Your word reveals
I’m not holding on to You
But You’re holding on to me
You’re holding on to me

Jesus You know just how far the east is from the west
I don't have to see the man I've been
rising up in me again
In your arms of Your mercy I find rest
cause You know how far the east is from the west
from one scarred hand to the other

And now let's take a look at a few songs found on Christian CD's that are not very God honoring, if at all:

(This song can be found on the WOW hits 2008 CD) Hawk Nelson - The Show


Everywhere i go its all being taken
pick me up a book about new sensations
take me to a place with no frustration
back it up before i lose my patience

Here we go lets take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn on your radio wo-oh
lets go take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn up your radio

Call me on the phone or two way pager
won't be coming home so see ya later
you can keep your cars and your jet black hummer
you won't see me again until next summer
Here we go lets take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn on your radio wo-oh
lets go take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn up your radio

Come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright
come on if your feeling, if your feeling alright

Yeh yeh yeh yeh

Here we go lets take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn on your radio wo-oh
lets go take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn up your radio
here we go lets take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn on your radio wo-oh
lets go take them to the show wo-oh
come on turn up your radio

Its a party
come on ya'll
do you feel good
oh oh feel good
clap your hands
its a party come on yeh yeh yeh yeh

Now, not that the above is a bad song, or that it speaks about bad things (although it does speak a lot about living to feel good (something sinners do rather than living to be fulfilled by God) it says nothing whatsoever about God, His message, or being a Christian. I can not see a single thing that makes this song a 'Christian' song, so I find myself asking, what is it doing on an all Christian CD?  Just because it's written by a group of Christians doesn't mean that the song itself is a Christian song.  If a non-Christian listened to this song, how would they know it was Christian?  They wouldn't, and if someone told them this was a Christian song, they might think, "Ok, so Christians believe it's good to go party all night and not come home..."

2) This is a song from the CD: Nothing is Sound by Switchfoot, a CD I bought in a Christian store in the Christian music section. "The Blues" by Switchfoot:

"The Blues"

Is this the New Year or just another night?
Is this the new fear or just another fright?
Is this the new tear or just another desperation?

Is this the finger or just another fist?
Is this the kingdom or just a hit n' miss?
A misdirection, most in all this desperation

Is this what they call freedom?
Is this what you call pain?
Is this what they call discontented fame?

It'll be a day like this one
When the world caves in, When the world caves in, When the world caves in

I'm singing this one like a broken piece of glass
From broken arms an' broken noses in the back
Is this the New Year or just another desperation?

You're pushing till you're shoving
You bend until you break
Till you stand on the broken fields where our fathers lay

It'll be a day like this one
When the world caves in, When the world caves in,When the world caves in
When the world caves in, When the world caves in, When the world caves in

There's nothing here worth saving,
Is no one here at all?
Is there any net left that could break our fall?

It'll be a day like this one
When the sky falls down and the hungry and poor and deserted are found
Are you discontented? Have you been pushing hard?
Have you been throwing down this broken house of cards?

It'll be a day like this one
When the world caves in, When the world caves in, When the world caves in

Is there nothing left now?
Nothing left to sing
Are there any left who hasn't kiss the enemy?
Is this the New Year or just another desperation?

Does justice never find you? Do the wicked never lose?
Is there any honest song to sing besides these blues?

And nothing is okay
Till the world caves in, Till the world caves in
Till the world caves in, Till the world caves in, Till the world caves in
Until the world caves in, Until the world caves in, Until the world caves in
Until the world caves in ,Until the world caves in Until the world caves in

Again, another nice song, but not very God honoring by our definition above, and yet it's still considered "Christian". This song says nothing about God, His Word, His Message, Christian values, or being Christian. What then makes this song Christian music?

These are just my thoughts on the subject. When I think about a non-believer picking up a Christian CD and not being able to hear any kind of Message about God and Salvation, it makes me sad to know that as "Christians" we have failed miserably. It's ok to have "family friendly" music out there, and I encourage it, but we shouldn't label all of that "nice" music, as Christian.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I understand where you are coming from, but I would encourage you to not just focus on one song by any Christian artist and label their music as God honoring or not. I would view this as similar to expecting all of what I write or say in itself to directly honor God. Take any one conversation I have with a non-believer and expect that in that one conversation I present the gospel. It may be an ongoing conversation that is leading to the gospel.

    I am not always comfortable with 'things' being labeled Christian verses people. To try and label a song as Christian or not is a little off to me. There are songs out there that are "Christian" but not created by believing Christ followers but perhaps someone who is just aiming at that market or is a Christian only by tradition. Christian Christmas albums come to mind.

    As an Architect much of my work and actions do not directly point to God, but as a Christian I try and honor God in all my actions and work conversations. I have to admit that I am not always successful and too often I miss the mark and seek forgiveness. If it was all public. Woe!

    Anyway I must say I love your blog site and keep up the good work.

  3. "Again, another nice song, but not very God honoring, and yet still considered "Christian". This song says nothing about God, His Word, His Message, or being Christian. What then makes this song Christian music?"

    After reading your blog, it seems to me the you view Christian music as something that should honor God. If it is going to be labeled "Christian" then is should very directly speak about "God, His Word, His Message, or being Christian."

    I would challenge you to confront Switchfoot with this assertion. I think they would be greatly offended and tell you that they, as Christians, produce work that honors God.

    Let's take your assumption that for music to be "God honoring" it must be about "God, His word, His message, or being Christian" to the next logical step.

    Music is switchfoot's career. Let's pretend, that their career, like Brad's, is architecture. That would mean that any building they build would have to be about God in some way for it to be God honoring. According to your assumption, the only "God honoring" buildings that Brad could design would be a Church, a Bible bookstore, a missionary facility, a radio station devoted to Christian music, etc...

    Let's take a look at another career, an accountant. According to your assumption about "God honoring" music the only "God honoring" work an accountant could do would be to do the taxes for a church, a christian non-profit, etc...

    God created the earth and everything in it. Man messed everything up. God created it perfect, good and beautiful. Man caused it to be cursed. The earth is full of God's blessing, beauty and truth's. In fact, all that is good and true in the world is of God.

    As a believer (by believer I mean someone who has repented of sin and accepted, in faith, Christ's atoning work on the cross. A believer is someone who is a "new creation" and is identified in all that Christ is.) we are to bring Glory to God in all that we do. Part of this means unlocking the God's glory in creation for all to see.

    This is done in music, architecture, accounting, etc...A musician would create beautiful, moving and innovative music because God is a beautiful, innovative and a creative God. An architect would design sublime, strong, beautiful and groundbreaking buildings because that is who God is as well.

    I would say, out of all of those artists, Switchfoot is the MOST God honoring. Their music isn't sappy, emotionally manipulative "love" songs about God. They write creative and beautiful music that everyone listens to - Christian and non-christian alike. How amazing a testimony to a young non-christian music lover is Switchfoot? They are where God wants us to be, out front, creating culture and not slapping a "Christian" name or message on secular musical styles.

    I find your narrow view of what it means to "honor" God troubling.

  4. Ryan, I'm not saying they're a bad band or aren't godlike themselves but what I'm saying is that a non-christian should be able to turn on the radio to a Christian music station and be able to hear music about God and His love and sacrifice for us, not hear a song saying, "Hey, lets go party and not come home all night because we live to feel good for ourselves not to live for God..." understand? 50% of the music they play on the radio or consider Christian is not God honoring at all. Your analogy doesn't fit. If that architect makes a building and doesn't dedicate it to God or do it for God or let people know that the building is for God, then it is not God honoring. If he doesn't give the credit to God, it is not God honoring... it is man honoring. Again, not that the bands I mentioned are bad bands, but some of their music is not Christian music. It's like people today claiming to be Christian just because they think they are "Good people." Being a good person does not make you Christian. Having "nice" music, does not make it Christian music.

    There is a big difference between being Christians in a band, and being a Christian band, and playing Christian songs. At least to be God honoring the music should convey the qualities God tells us to have like being faithful, or living God's way, etc. When a song talks about being worldly (like staying out all night partying because it feels good) it is simply not a Christian song at all, even if the band is made up of Christians who wish to honor God. People aren't perfect and granted we are all worldly in some way or another, but it just kind of irks me when people just label "nice" music as Christian, even though it has nothing to do at all with God or being Christian. If you look up the definition of being Christian the dictionary gives you: of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ or His teachings: exhibiting a spirit proper to a follower of Jesus Christ; Christlike: a person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ: Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
    # Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings, etc, etc. When music doesn't at the very least go by the Bible's teachings then it can't really be classified as Christian.

  5. I think I see your point clearer now. If somebody is going to claim to make Christian music then the lyrics must be about Jesus, God, Biblical truth, etc...

    I completely agree that there is a big distinction between a band that is marketed to Christians and a secular band with Christians in it.

    What I am reacting to is probably a bigger issue than music. Why do we, as Christians, take secular ideas, hobbies, methods etc...and slap a christian name on them. Why do our churches feel the need to have christian rocklimbing clubs, christian book clubs, christian coffee shops, christian hiking teams, christian basketball leagues, christian etc...The list is endless.

    John 20:21 says, as the father has sent me, even so I am sending you. Jesus is telling his disciples to go to their world and live among the unbelievers as salt and light. Jesus didn't stay in heaven in his heavenly rockclimbing club, heavenly basketball team, etc...(you get my point). He came to earth and integrated his life into tax collecters (matthew) and prostitutes. Why do we feel the need to take something and make it our own by calling it "Christian."

    Doing what Jesus did would be to join the neighborhood basketball team, go rockclimbing with work friends who don't know Christ, join a neighborhood book club, et...

    Finally, I believe that Christian should be on the forefront of culture. They should be innovating and creating and not following (in the case of 95% of christian music - doing a pretty poor job.) secular trends.

    Sorry for the tangent. Thank you for the thought provoking blog. :)

  6. True, we should be out in the world among worldly people to witness to them and lead by example, but at the same time it is sometimes nice to be together with other people like you. It is nice to be around other people who share your same values and beliefs who you can feel free to talk about God with. I have many friends and co-workers who are not believers and who get very angry if I even mention the Bible or say God's name. Since I love to talk about God and feel like I could talk about him or the Bible when just about any topic is brought up, it is very discouraging for me to then be around people constantly who tell me it is not ok to talk about God or my beliefs or love of Him. This is why there are all "Christian" groups. They are not for witnessing, but for fellowshipping with other Christians. We can belong to these types of groups in some of our free time and still go out into the world in the rest of our time to lead by example and preach the Word.

    Thank you for your comments!

  7. This is a very valid conversation, defining "Christian" music can vary. Is it Christian if it's performed by Christians or only if it has a clear Christian message? No cut and dry answer all the time. One thing I do know is that Christian Hip Hop is actually taking off and one guy especially, "Lecrae" is AUTHENTIC and is a true man of God and it shows.

  8. Nice blog post bout Christian music. I am a worship leader in our church (only by God's grace and glory to Him alone) and I loved music too. I love swichtfoot and many other songs from Christian band and artist.

    I understand your point about music or songs with God honoring lyrics. Ive heard people say that a song cant be called a Christian song just because of the sound but it is a Christian song because of the lyrics, that its the lyrics that makes it a "Christian" song...

    But I also agree with Ryan. Many nonbelievers/pre-believers would usually get offended hearing the word "God" or "Jesus" in a song and would not listen to them. I think its just a matter of strategy in reaching the world. Songs of Jars of clay, switchfoot and other Christian band are on the mainstream music industry because of that. Even non-Christians love their song. Once they'll start to accept songs like that, then that's the time you can explain to them the real meaning of the song. Who the person being talked about in the song, etc.

    One unbeliever told me, that the problem with us christian is that we use Christian language like "amen" that they could not relate. He said "its like you(christian) speaking in english(christian language, way, etc.) to a japanese who does not understand english (the christian language)..." He said we have a language that only a christian could understand. He got a point too.

    Washing dishes or cooking seems to be not God honoring when you look at it plainly, but if the person washing dishes is doing it for God's glory, as his/her act of worship to God, then I think and I believe that what he/she is doin is God honoring. God does not look on the outward appearance of man or of the things but He looks at the heart. Let us always check our motive.

  9. Rizeru,

    Thanks for reading and commenting. Agreed that non-believers can sometimes be offended or don't relate to Christian terms such as amen. However, if we think about it, how can we ever go and witness to a person and share the gospel without those terms and ideas without offending them? It is still very much important to say those Christian things and explain them, even if somebody might get offended, or else how will they ever be lead to Christ without even hearing his name which might offend them?

    Again, I'm fine with Christian bands writing music that isn't necessarily God honoring, so long as it isn't God dishonoring. They can still be a Christian band and play secular music, but in order for that song they play to be a Christian song, played on a Christian radio, I think it should speak in some way to God's values or about God's love or about God in some way in our lives. Regular non-believers are probably not going to turn on the radio to a Christian and want to hear secular music, and in the same way I don't want to turn it on to a Christian station and hear secular music. I've actually had friends turn the radio to K-Love, hear a song that isn't Christian like in the least, then turn to me and go, 'This is what Christianity is about? Staying out all night and partying?'

    If Christians are not supposed to act worldly, then why on earth would a Christian station play worldly music, especially when it identifies itself as Christian, and stands for Christ here on this earth.

    Great comment, and I'm glad people are still reading and talking about this post, as it is something relevant in all of our lives.


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